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very client has its own set of unique goals and circumstances. We believe that effectively utilizing financial instruments can help you maximize your potential in reaching those goals. We are skilled at reviewing your financial position and then developing creative solutions that work within your framework.

There are many ways clubs and sponsors can offer new and innovative programs or incentives while still operating within a set and known budget. Working with various partners in the financial sports risk management industry, we can help you come up with creative solutions to help you cost effectively manage your sporting liability, increase player satisfaction, encourage fan engagement, increase your outreach and comply with Financial Fair Play.

Revenue Protection

Budget with confidence.

Collins assists our clients with understanding the financial risks in their operations and helping them come up with creative solutions to mitigating those risks through alternative risk transfer principles. Collins Sports Agency is not a broker, but works with financial sports risk management firms to come up with a custom risk management approach based on the unique needs of each client.

How do you protect yourself from fluctuations in ticket sales? Can you offer your fans incentives to buying season tickets? How do you pay for those incentives?

Performance Bonus Cover

Offer competitive performance bonuses.

In line with the FA’s Bonus Insurance Scheme, UK football Clubs use insurance contracts to help cover performance bonuses linked to successful performance. You may not have been able to offer such large bonuses before because you didn’t have the cash flow to pay for them. But with insurance contracts, the costs are fixed and fit into your budget. Collins can help you understand the options available and help you creatively structure the deal to meet your Club’s specific goals and needs, on and off the pitch.

Outside the UK, Clubs are also allowed to protect against commercially poor results such as relegation or non-qualification for the Champions League.
Offer performance bonuses to players for qualifying for a competition or being promoted without wondering how you will pay for it. Alternative risk transfer arrangements can allow you to remove bonus liability from your balance sheet, helping you to do these things without making promises you can’t keep or incurring unexpected losses.

Sales Promotion

Mitigate financial risk on your balance sheet.

We can help clients utilize alternative risk transfer programs to mitigate the financial risk of sales promotions. This allows clients to create innovative and exciting promotions with clear budgets and known parameters.

Sponsors can offer a conditional rebate if their favorite team wins the first three games of the season. This encourages fans to shop at the sponsor. Use financial instruments to pay for the payout, and you have a set budget.

Prize Coverage

Increase fan engagement without breaking the bank.

You can offer exciting prizes during halftime contests by using financial instruments to hedge against the possibility of a contest win. Collins can work with your marketing and financial teams to come up with new and innovative ideas and figure out how to pay for them.

Fans submit entries at certain sponsor locations or at the game. The selected fan tries to kick the ball 25 yards through a 19” opening. Can they make it?

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